Thursday, 7 July 2016

Perfect timing @promiseseeker

Holding on to #promise20… After a series of set-backs, rejections and unexpected swerves to our journey it's good to be reminded that God comes through at "the very time" he's supposed to. 
We don't always have the answers, we don't always know what the future holds, we don't always get what we think we want… But God knows, He's in control and He keeps His promises. That'll do for today!

#genesis #theverytime #promiseanswered #godsincontrol


#bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews

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