Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Go back @promiseseeker

"Go back" is not always a bad thing. Society tells us that going backwards is demotion or defeat or failure but when it's God telling us to about turn it means our faith will grow, our future is bright because there is fulfilment of a promise.

"Go back" doesn't need to be a bad thing. Why? Because He will be with you.

#goback #genesis #promise28 #thefutureisbright #goingbackcanbegoingforwards 

#bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews 

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