Saturday, 18 June 2016

Contend @promiseseeker

In #promise3 God tells us that his Spirit won't "contend" / "strive with" humans forever (Genesis 6:3). After a bit of mulling around on this I guess what it boils down to is that the divine gift of life cannot exist except for the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Some translations say "My Spirit won't "remain" with mankind / humankind / human beings "forever because they are mortal / corrupt". For God to be present in the mortal, in the flesh, in our world, this can only happen if our humanity doesn't get in the way.

I think this promise points towards what a gift even 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day of life is let alone 120 years. 

How grateful we can be that God made a way for us to dwell with him and he in us, that life may go on, and that he gives us as long as he does.

#eachbreathisagift #genesis #humanity #mortality 

#bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews 

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