Wednesday, 29 June 2016

At the appointed time @promiseseeker

God will return and fulfil the promise at the APPOINTED time. How often do we get frustrated because the promise doesn't come in our own timing?! How often do we question God's goodness, or presence, or faithfulness because His timing doesn't match up with our expectations?!

And yet we don't want babies to arrive before their appointed time - when that happens there can be all sorts of complications even death. We want babies to fully mature in the womb so they have the best chance of reaching their potential in the world... Perhaps we need to view God's timing a bit more like pregnancy when it comes to birthing promises. Let's allow God to bring forth His promises at the appointed time rather than rushing things through with dire consequences.

Trust Him in the waiting. 
The promise is coming.
At the appointed time...

#appointedtime #promise17 #waitforthepromise #heisfaithful #fullterm #genesis #trustgod 
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Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Nothing's impossible @promiseseeker

Don't underestimate what God can do...

“Is anything too hard for the Lord?”
Genesis 18:14 NIV

The answer is no in case you were wondering 😉

#believe #nothingisimpossible #genesis #promise16 
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Monday, 27 June 2016

Snip snip @promiseseeker

Sometimes in order to get the promise we have to cut something off or cut something out along the way. Maybe it's cutting off bad behaviour, foul language, pride, envy, sin... Or maybe it's making a sacrifice and cutting out TV, social media, food, drink... for a season to make room for what God wants to do. 

When God asks us to cut something out of our lives it's always to make room for his goodness and his promises. Cutting out/off the stuff God asks us to sets us apart and marks us out as His.

For Abraham, the sign of his promise was circumcision (I bet he wished he'd got the rainbow like Noah!) But this cutting off would again be a constant reminder and sign of all the incredible things God had promised he would do for Abraham, and a sign to outsiders too that here was a man who belonged to God. Sometimes there's a journey to go through in order to get the promise at the end. Don't be afraid of what God asks you to sacrifice or cut off along the way...

#promise15 #itwillbeasign #cuttingoff #setapart #journeytothepromise #genesis #snipsnip ✂️
#bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews 

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Know for certain @promiseseeker

In response to Abram's questioning, Abram's doubt, God graciously responds with these words...


- know for certain that God knows your situation 
- know for certain that He will make things right 
- know for certain that His word can be trusted 
- know for certain that no matter what season you're in nothing surprises God 
- know for certain that He has a plan 
- know for certain that He sees you 
- know for certain that He keeps His promises 
- know for certain that you can trust Him 
- know for certain that His peace is available for you 
- know for certain that this is not our home but one day we will arrive home 
- know for certain that the suffering is not forever 
- know for certain that God is in control 

KNOW FOR CERTAIN... He made an unbreakable covenant.

“Then the Lord said to him, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions. You, however, will go to your ancestors in peace and be buried at a good old age. In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure.””
Genesis 15:13-16 NIV

#knowforcertain #genesis #faithfulgod #faith #hope #steadfast #reliable 
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Monday, 20 June 2016

Legacy @promiseseeker

The world tells us that we need to make a name for ourselves. It tells you that you should build storehouses and pile up your wealth and significance. The world says that we need to make a legacy for ourselves in order to have worth. That we need to be known for something and we need to leave something behind. We even sometimes hear this from within church. But I think this promise points towards a different way. God's not interested in us building a legacy for ourselves but he is interested in using us to build His legacy.

Don't be striving after fame, significance and reputation in the wrong places. When we believe that God will do what He says He will, it gets credited to us as righteousness. (Genesis 15:7). 

“He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.””
Genesis 15:5 NIV

Abram wasn't going to personally have children to outnumber the stars, but the legacy of what GOD was doing in and through Him meant that his faithful obedient belief would change the world. One by one. Abram's job? Don't freak out by the promise and think you have to get there in your own strength. Don't try to build your own legacy. Believe God's word. Believe God's promises. Believe. Believe in God and His legacy becomes your legacy. 

#legacy #countthestars #faithfulgod #promise12 #genesis 

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Saturday, 18 June 2016

Perfectly sure @promiseseeker

So... God's been on my case for a while about digging through his promises in the Bible. It's time! I've set this account up as a way of documenting some of the journey. And so it begins tonight with this - kinda central in setting up the whole promise seeking journey... “For example, there was God’s promise to Abraham. Since there was no one greater to swear by, God took an oath in his own name, saying: “I will certainly bless you, and I will multiply your descendants beyond number.” Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised. Now when people take an oath, they call on someone greater than themselves to hold them to it. And without any question that oath is binding. God also bound himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that he would never change his mind. So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Jesus has already gone in there for us. He has become our eternal High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.”
Hebrews 6:13-20 NLT Oh. My. Goodness.

We can be *perfectly sure* that God will never change his mind on his promises AND it is impossible for him to lie. So much goodness in these verses and so much excitement and anticipation for this promise seeking journey ahead... #bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #perfectlysure #hebrews #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture

He gives @promiseseeker

So I've hit my first challenge already, before I've even got through the first chapter of Genesis!

Most people (online!) say that the first promise in the Bible arrives in chapter 3 after the fall. However, here, in verse 29 of Genesis 1 God says, "I give you every seedbearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." If, as we discovered in Hebrews 6 that God cannot lie, when he makes a statement like this is it not also a promise? Hmm. Thinking needed.

Either way, we can learn that God gives us food. He provides. He supplies. And he does it generously - EVERY seedbearing plant on the WHOLE planet. And it's very good.

God gives. He provides. And he cannot lie. Good discoveries so far don't you think?! #promise1 #genesis #godprovides #godgives #itisgood 
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Promise or threat? @promiseseeker

Challenge #2 already!

Are promises always positive?

If they're negative does that make them a threat? (Wikipedia seems to think that the psychology of promises would indicate so.) If I'm seeking out God's promises then that needs to be all of them right? Including the ones I don't like or the ones that don't make sense to me. I guess today's challenge reveals a heart that thinks it knows better than God... How often do we pick and choose the bits of God's Word that make us feel nice or massage our ego compared to the challenging truth that cuts right to our soul?! So in that light, I'm going to seek out all the promises. Even the ones that just seem uncomfortable trusting God can use those to teach me just as much.

Still in for the journey with me?

#negativepromises #challenge #godknowsbest #bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblegram #biblereading #godsword #goodnews

Curses @promiseseeker

The implications of disobedience to God are pretty weighty. If I'd not ever read the Bible before I might stop here - death - doesn't hold much hope or 'promise'... Thankfully I know the author and the ending so it's worth holding on. 
Useful sometimes to reset our perspective of just how good we might think we are... #soberingthoughts #genesis #death #curses #promise2 
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Contend @promiseseeker

In #promise3 God tells us that his Spirit won't "contend" / "strive with" humans forever (Genesis 6:3). After a bit of mulling around on this I guess what it boils down to is that the divine gift of life cannot exist except for the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Some translations say "My Spirit won't "remain" with mankind / humankind / human beings "forever because they are mortal / corrupt". For God to be present in the mortal, in the flesh, in our world, this can only happen if our humanity doesn't get in the way.

I think this promise points towards what a gift even 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day of life is let alone 120 years. 

How grateful we can be that God made a way for us to dwell with him and he in us, that life may go on, and that he gives us as long as he does.

#eachbreathisagift #genesis #humanity #mortality 

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Rain @promiseseeker

So usually rain / water in the Bible is a good thing. Not here.

 #promise4 has Genesis 6:7,13,17 and 7:4 where God says he will send rain to "put an end to all people."

Clearly not ALL people otherwise we wouldn't be here (#promise5 will tell us more about that). 

My takeaway from this today is that despite using water for destruction, it actually gives life. And although the state of the world grieved God, it was still possible to "find favour" (Genesis 6:8) in God's eyes. This gives me hope that in spite of the state of the world today we too can still find favour with God.

#genesis #rain #favour #hope #water #bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews 

Enter @promiseseeker

"But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark..." Genesis 6:18

#promise5 You will ENTER...

In the face of certain destruction, God says to Noah "You will enter...". You will enter safety, you will enter protection, you will enter peace, you will enter community (with his wife and children), you will enter hope, you will enter rescue, you will enter freedom, you will enter redemption, you will enter... And you will survive. By His grace, by His mercy, you will enter.

What is God saying you can enter today?

#enter #enterin #salvation #freedom #hope #security #future #bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews 

Never again @promiseseeker

"Never again..." Genesis 8:21 x2
"Never again..." Genesis 9:11 x2
"Never again..." Genesis 9:15 x1

#promise6 appears five times in quick succession as God says never again will he destroy all life. God promises an everlasting covenant with a rainbow to serve as a reminder. 

No matter how messy life may get. No matter how far we might have strayed. No matter how many times we deny him. No matter how frequently we reject him...

Never again will we get what we deserve. Instead we'll receive grace, mercy, love and welcome.

#neveragain #hope #genesis #everlastingcovenant 

#bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews 

Blessed to be a blessing @promiseseeker

Blessed to be a blessing.

““I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.””
Genesis 12:2-3 NIV

One of my favourite worship songs growing up was Abundant Life Church's (now @lifechurchhome) "Blessed to be a blessing". I love how God's promises aren't just to big us up individually but to spread and share His love, grace, blessing. Our generosity with what God blesses us with can be someone else's blessing. 

But we don't have to give out of our own resources. We give and we bless from what we have received.

#blessedtobeablessing #whathoesaroundcomesaround #genesis #blessed #blessing #promise7 #inittogether #sharingiscaring 

#bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews 

Great name @promiseseeker

No one wants to be forgotten, ignored, overlooked or left behind. We all want to be known, to be significant, to be recognised. Hidden in the middle of #promise7 is #promise8 - "I will make your name great."

What does it mean to have a 'great name'?

In leaving his country behind, Abram would have lost his name, his significance, his power. But God is saying 'don't worry about that. I've got you. Trust me, follow me, and I will make your name great. Don't worry about what you're leaving behind, I will give you an even greater name.'

In the previous chapter we see mankind trying to make their own name great - not cool - but here God says it's his job to make names great. When God makes our name great it will give him glory. (I like Mike Riccardi's blog on this

So don't stress about trying to make a name for yourself, trying to raise yourself up or climb the ladder. Faithfully trust and follow God and He will make your name great for His glory.

#greatname #godsincharge #significant #genesis #abram #trustgod 
#bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews #instapray 

Great nation @promiseseeker

Still camping out in Genesis 12:2. Here God promises to make Abram into "a great nation". 

When God took Abram from his own people, he promised to make him head of another people.

I love how all these promises are in response to God's call to Abram. Because God doesn't call us away from stuff without promising in return. The promise for us might not be to turn us "into a great nation" but it will be what we need and more. 

In leaving his country, his home, his people, his inheritance, his future (as the world saw it) behind, Abram stepped into God's promises and blessings which took him beyond what he could have imagined or expected. God doesn't ask us to sacrifice for no reason. I fully believe he asks us to sacrifice because what he gives in return is always better.

How do we access God's promises? Faithfully respond to his call with obedience... The rest will fall into place.

#promise9 #genesis #call #obedience #greatnation #faithfulgod
#bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews 

Provision @promiseseeker

#promise10 not just for Abram but for his kids. I myself have been in situations where I've been reluctant to all-out follow where God might be calling me on the basis of "what about the kids?!"

"To your offspring I will give this land."

God doesn't call you places only to spite your kids or spouse. He calls you knowing that He has the provision and answer for your children / family in the calling. We don't need to worry about those God has asked us to look after as He has their best interests way more than we do.

Again, another promise where God is saying He will give... And it's not a transaction, He's asking nothing in return other than trust. Wouldn't you want to follow a God who will continually lavish good gifts on you?

#givinggod #genesis #offspringcovered #godlovesyourkids #followthecall #allin #familyworship 
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Shield and our GREAT reward @promiseseeker

How much are you loving #promise11?! God is our shield 🛡 and our GREAT reward! He is our shield, our protection, our guard, our defence, our cover, our screen, shade, safety, our support.

AND. He is our great reward. Our recompense, our prize, our honour, advantage, our decoration, our benefit...

So don't be afraid. HE is our shield and our very great reward = now more fear. Simples.

#donotfear #godisourshield #verygreatreward #genesis #protection #security #futuresecure #peace #hope 
#bible #bibleverse #biblejournaling #biblestudy #biblescripture #biblepromises #promise #promiseseeker #godspromise #godspeaks #godneverlies #promises #truth #scripture #bibletime #shereadstruth #biblereading #godsword #goodnews