Thursday, 20 December 2018

Holding on tight...

"He was very rich and became terribly sad.  He was holding on tight to a lot of things and not about to let them go.”
Luke 18:23 MSG

This phrase comes from the Message paraphrase of Luke 18 and Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler.  It really jumped out at me.  And challenged me.  I’m sure we all know that “it’s harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle…” and I’m sure we all pretty quickly dismiss ourselves as not rich enough for this to apply to us.  We’re good right?!  But Jesus’ challenge here is deep and I think Peterson captures the heart of this well in the Message.  The rich young man was “holding on tight to a lot of things and not about to let them go.”

What are you holding on tight to?  Maybe it is wealth as this passage addresses directly, in which case, how and where is Jesus asking you to let go?  But maybe it’s not finances that you’re holding onto.  Perhaps it’s pride – are you refusing to make the first move in reconciliation?  Are you denying someone an apology or forgiveness?  Maybe it’s status – are you holding on to a title, position, label and refusing to humble yourself and serve?  Maybe it’s image – are you preventing hospitality because you’re embarrassed you might not have the perfect house?  Perhaps it’s privacy – are you holding on to your privacy and refusing to live in community where others can bring challenge and encouragement?  Where in your life are you holding on tightly refusing to let Jesus have his way?

We are all susceptible to hold on to things other than Jesus for our security, significance and self-worth, but when we do this, we too, like the rich young ruler have placed an idol in our lives ahead of God.  In Mark’s depiction of this encounter, he adds something that Luke omits.  Mark 10:21 – “Jesus looked at him and loved him… ‘One thing you lack,’ he said…” Sound familiar?  One thing… one thing… only one thing is more important than wealth, status, significance, position… one thing, “there is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42). 

Jesus is looking at you, right now, and loving you.  He sees and knows that you and I too are rich young rulers.  He sees our tight-clenched fists reluctant to let go of the things we’re holding so very tightly and he loves us.  He knows that only one thing is needed and that when we let go and allow him to take those things out of the way, then we can know life to the full as we will be free to fully embrace all that Jesus has for us.  "Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing" (Psalm 34:10).  He knows best.  Trust him, and let go. 

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