“Simon said, ‘Master,
we’ve been fishing hard all night and haven’t caught even a minnow. But if you say so, I’ll let out the nets.’ It
was no sooner said than done – a huge haul of fish, straining the nets past capacity…”
Luke 5:5-6 MSG
What have you been tackling hard recently? Where is it that you’re trying and trying,
working at full capacity, giving it all you’ve got and yet still coming up
short?! Maybe it’s in a parent-child
relationship, maybe it's a work situation, perhaps it’s a challenge at home –
health, finances, relationships… Simon was a pro fisherman. He knew his stuff and yet that night there
was nothing to show for his effort and hard work. Nothing.
So disappointing, so tiring, so frustrating. Along comes Jesus, a carpenter, who simply tells
him, “push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch…” Really.
Really Jesus? You’ve seen how
hard I’ve been working, you’ve seen the hours of preparation and effort. You know that the best time of fishing is at
night and not in the day. I’m tired,
I’ve given it all I’ve got… Simon could have given Jesus a shed load of excuses
as to why going out to fish then was a bad idea.
But if you say so…
that simple phrase shows us the correct response to Jesus. If Jesus says something, it’s worth following
through. Simon is a pro fisherman, but
he also has a right understanding of who Jesus is: “Master”, boss, leader, commander… if you say so, then I will do it.
What is it that you’ve been tackling in your own strength where
you need to stop and let Jesus direct you?
He promises wisdom when we ask for it.
“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths…”
(Proverbs 3:6). Have you been
acknowledging Jesus? Have you been
giving excuses? Have you brought your
situation before Him? When we let him
direct our paths and our work then he brings fruitfulness. “He will be gracious if you ask for help… He
will answer you.” (Isaiah 30:19)
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