Monday, 5 February 2007

Ahead of time...

I'm not actually married yet... and yet here I am already set up with an e-mail address, a blog, and almost a new signature practised and ready to be used. But then I have always been one for organisation!

I'm just excited about all God has instore for Dan and I. At the moment we're praying into some really crazy things. I've always dreamt of being a person of great faith. Someone that God can trust with big stuff... it dawned on me not long ago, that to have great faith, you have to step out and trust in order for the faith to kick in. You're never going to need great faith if life is comfortable, easy and 'expected'. No... I think God sometimes asks you to do the seemingly mad - the things that look like you've left your common sense behind - just to see if you're ready for the next step, the next stage.

It's always been an issue with me about whether I 'hear' God. I think I'm starting to learn that again - it's a trust thing. You come before God willing, you come before God saying what you think He wants... and then you go for it - trusting that He will close or open the right things as you step out. In faith. Trusting.

So here goes - I'm finishing my degree and after that I don't have any set ideas about what I'm 'supposed' to be doing, so I'm saying to God "I'm yours"... do as you wish... and in that process praying I'll be open to the direction He leads me in.

I'll let you know what happens!

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