So this morning in a Mum’s group, I mentioned how when I was a student at Uni I had all the time in the world to stick worship music on, get out books, Bible, journal and just be in God’s presence - no interruptions, no distractions - and how life’s seasons don’t always allow for that same level of intimacy in the same set up we’re used to.
It can be so difficult to choose to pursue God’s presence in the busy, distracted, full lives that we lead. So I figured I’d make a real effort to do that when my little one had her nap. Except she didn’t have a nap today. Game over?
Actually no.
I have worship music on. I have my Bible open. I have journal and pen in hand. And I have a God-given interrupter reminding me of the truth that I really need to hear. My daughter is making cards - stickers, pens - making a mess really, but she’s happy to draw, scribble and stick.
I’m mentally in Zechariah, “…if you follow my ways and carefully serve me, then you will be given authority over my Temple and its courtyards…” (Zechariah 3:7) I’m mentally feeling inadequate, so aware of the position I find myself in and how I don’t deserve it. So aware that the responsibility others place on me is often undeserved, unwarranted and placed on an unworthy recipient. I’m mentally questioning whether my life matches up to the message I have to declare and my daughter reaches the point in her card-making where she needs me to write the words for her.
I ask what she’d like me to write. Dictating, the response comes, “God love you Mummy. Make a heart.”
Isn’t that exactly what it’s all about?
We’re not worthy, we’re not wise. We don’t deserve the positions of authority or leadership we often find ourselves in. And that’s the whole point. It’s not about us. It’s about the fact that we are so undeservedly loved by God and he’s given us his heart. He’s given us Jesus. Jesus to replace the filthy clothes, “see I have taken away your sin, and now I am giving you these fine new clothes…” (Zechariah 3:4) Jesus who knows exactly how inadequate, how broken, how messed up/confused/selfish/proud we are and loves us. Loved us enough to die so that we could be cleaned up and given new clothes, new hope, new starts.
So often it’s the simplest , most straightforward message that we need to hear. The thing that needs to go deep.
“God. Love. You.”
As you are. Right now. In your hiding place. In your fear. In your brokenness. In your inadequacy. In your business. In your distraction. He loves you.